The Brand Series: Your Logo Isn’t Cuttin’ It


We know, we just dropped fighting words. You may love your logo and it might have been the first thing you got done to kick off your brand! So, before you swing, let’s dive right into it. We promise, to shed light on how to evolve your brand and make sure your logo isn’t carrying all the weight.

Imagine you’re dating someone. They’ve got the best style you’ve ever seen. The random pops of color make you smile and their demeanor seems chipper, light, and free. So, you say yes to a date! While you are on said date, you notice their hygiene is bad. Their breath smells horrible, and you notice they didn’t wash their clothes. You also notice their hair is matted and unwashed. But, you say oh well…I like their personality and stay. Throughout the date, you notice they are rude to the staff and they start to make fun of the servers behind their back when they leave the table. You are now looking for the nearest exit and glad you gave them your burner number. Before you can make your grand escape….you notice their phone open to a message sharing with their pal they’re bored on the date and really just want to see if they can score. The audacity.


Your date’s clothes got your attention, but the person absolutely failed the vibe check. The following was subpar at best:

— Hygiene

— Personality

— Emotional Intelligence

— Effort

— Humor

— Empathy

Our bet is that all of the above lackings mean their style is now irrelevant to you. The cherry on top is seeing them looking to “score” while doing nothing to nurture the connection point. In this case, the great style is an example of the “logo” and the other pieces of your experience with them are what represent a full brand. Furthermore, think of the “looking to score” aspect in relation to the brand that is always sending you “20% off” texts every few weeks while doing nothing to nourish the journey with you as a customer/client. Ugh. We’ll refer to this as the “you up?” texts from the person we hope you’ve blocked. No, you aren’t up, be Sleeping Beauty, you deserve better.

Here’s how we look at Branding. It is all of the pieces…not just the “nice style”, aka, logo.


— Logo(s)

— Website

— Voice & Tone

— Values/Ethos

— Color Palette

— Brand Strategy

— Product/Service Effectiveness

— Customer Nurture Path

— Imagery & Graphics

Some of us know our favorite friends by their scent, signature laugh, and energy before we see their faces.

A good brand will keep you in a long-term relationship with customers/clients long enough to be just as identifiable as that good friend. Through the relaunch of our blog, we’ll use “The Brand Series” to share how to build a good brand. If you got an email to alert you about this launch, you all set to get these gems delivered right to your inbox. If the gram, pin, or another networking group brought you here, sign-up for updates below. Our next drop is DIY Branding, and it’s the down-to-earth, actually actionable touch you deserve.

Monet Bush

Multidisciplinary Design Firm for the conscious, slow + steady wellness community.